Hello! I’m Janira.


Here’s a bit about me & my journey:

(Scroll down for my professional bio)

I was once a woman terrified to feel. I was disconnected from myself and others, I didn’t know to receive love, I felt lost regarding my purpose, and I felt numb, lonely, and apathetic about life.

Having come from a background of deep childhood trauma (emotional abuse, physical abuse, and abandonment) I learned that it wasn’t safe to talk, trust or feel. I shut down my emotions and learned to act fine all the time. I distracted myself from feeling by becoming the perfect child: spending my free time reading and studying, achieving perfect grades, and obsessively cleaning my room.

When these coping strategies weren’t enough to escape from the daily pain of my household I began to spend more and more time away from home at after school activities and friend’s houses. I didn’t know it then but these were things I used to get myself far away from the constant threat I faced at home.

Eventually as I grew up I began to use work, men and sex as a distraction. I worked 12-16 hour days, I filled my social calendar to the brink, and I, feeling ugly and unworthy of love, dated any man who gave me attention. No matter how successful or busy I was or how many men were in my word  I always felt lonely, dissatisfied. There was a gnawing sense of unhappiness and feelings of “I’m not good enough.” Not knowing any other way, I went deeper into my distractions to try to push these feelings down.

Then I became deeply involved with new age spirituality which served only to further distract me from my pain. Meditation became a way to disconnect from my body, gratitude a way to pretend I was grateful for everything that had happened in my life, and teachings like “everything happens for a reason” a way to not confront the Anger, grief, and disappointment that were stewing away inside.

In my mid 20’s everything caught up with me. The strategies I’d been using to distract no longer worked and I found myself both suffering from a myriad of chronic health issues, numbness from pleasure, and a bike accident that impacted my ability to walk and have sex. I had no choice but to slow down, turn inward, and feel all I’d been avoiding.

It became apparent to me that I was truly suffering and that the way I was living was completely unmanageable. I had to make a change.

Thankfully, right around this time I found somatic work and plant medicine ceremonies and my life began to change.  Buried memories and feelings started to surface for processing and clearing, desires I’d denied myself (like desire for true partnership/love and not just casual relationships came forward as well as desire for a more fulfilling career). I cried for the first time in 12 years, I started to feel sensation in my body again, as old pain moved through for release pleasure unlocked as well. I started to feel alive! And more than that, I started to appreciate my feelings, love myself and feel worthy of love.

I also began to take risks to be vulnerable, express myself, and let people in. Even though I’d always had friends and people around me and a very active social life for the first time ever I actually began to feel connected. It was because I was letting myself be felt and seen. It was so nourishing and moving. I developed sisterhood,  healthy relationships with men, and most all a healthy relationship with myself.

I also found my purpose in helping others reconnect with themselves, in teaching them to heal, feel, and love themselves, and express their heart’s truth and carry out their soul’s desires.

I feel truly grateful for my path that lead me here and the wonderful soul-work of unraveling, remembering, and becoming who we are meant to be.

Here’s my professional Bio:

Janira Martinez is a Somatic Soul Coach & Plant Medicine Guide on a mission to empower women to heal the trauma that holds them back, remember their inherent worth, and receive the goodness of life. Through her unique blend of somatic coaching, shamanic healing, spirit guidance, and unwavering compassion, Janira creates a supportive environment for getting out of the head and into the body, alchemizing pain into power and living a desire-led life.

Her transformative work empowers women to foster deep self-love and self-worth, fearlessly express their truth, create fulfilling relationships, and live with an unshakeable sense of freedom. Through working with Janira, clients discover the magic of healing and the joy of living free as fuck. Janira's approach brings profound shifts, allowing her clients to go from sick, stuck and unfulfilled towards feeling happy, turned on, and enlivened



The time is now.